
Our Travel Adventures

Click on the link below to read about all of our travel adventures here in New England. There were so many I decided to create a separate blog for them!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Got Milk?

What has four legs, a tail, loves to lick your hand and says... moo?

That's right. Not a dog. We went to get milk from our local dairy farm today (again) and the kids got to get out and see the cows that give us the milk we drink every day. They loved it.

They told each one of them thank you for our yummy, yummy milk!

Cooper's Hilltop Farm Market Store

They learned that the younger cows are much friendly than the more experienced ones.

And that when a cow has to tinkle, it's not just a little sprinkle.

It wasn't milking time when we went, but we were invited to come back anytime to watch the mama cows in action. The kids were very excited about this prospect and asked if we could come back tomorrow. Ummm, probably we'll save that for another visit in the future. Can't do all the cool stuff with cows in one day...

The barn where "our" cows live

Sydney wanted to see the strawberry milk cows and the chocolate milk cows. Much to her dismay, she learned they really only have regular milk cows. They only sell flavored milk in the store. They also have coffee milk, too. But, alas, no coffee cows.

Brock thought it was a zoo and after we saw each different grouping, he would say, Okay! Let's go see the next one! He was highly excited.

Braden just wanted to let the baby cows lick his hand. Over and over and over again.
The calfs were only to happy to comply.

I learned that I love getting farm fresh milk directly from the cow. Boy, I wish we had this kind of thing in Amarillo. I am really going to like living up here with all this fresh-from-the farm food.

And I had no idea cows liked to lick people. Weird.

I tried to add a video here, but... I am not yet smart enough to figure out how to get a video from my phone to the computer to the blog. So... I did it the only way I know how, I posted it directly from my phone to FB. Sorry Michelle.

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